Cookies policy

THE BELFANSTORE.COM PORTAL (hereinafter, “the Portal”), in compliance with its PRIVACY AND DATA USE POLICY , informs you that it makes use of its own and third-party cookies. Keep in mind that the use of cookies will allow you to optimize your experience on this portal.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the user's computer/smartphone/tablet when accessing certain web pages.

Purposes of cookies

THE PORTAL will use cookies to:

  • Determine your browsing preferences.
  • For promotional, commercial and advertising purposes.
  • For statistical purposes, among other purposes.

Acceptance of the use of Cookies

By accepting these "Terms and Conditions", you accept that THE PORTAL uses cookies for the purposes indicated here.

The continuous use of this web page will be understood as acceptance of the "Terms and Conditions" and as a consequence, of the use of cookies.

Cookie Settings

You can configure your browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by THE PORTAL , without impeding your access to the Contents. However, keep in mind that by deactivating the use of cookies you may experience a decrease in the quality of operation of the website.

It is issued on the 30th day of August 2023.